Which Used Baby Items Are Safe to Buy?

For new parents, buying used baby items doesn’t always seem like the safest choice.

But what if used baby items are not only safe but the smartest way to go? Experienced parents know that buying used does not make you a “less-than” parent, nor does it say that you don’t care for your little one.

Infants grow out of clothes and toys so quickly that purchasing gently used baby items can prove to be not only safe but smart. Our little family is expecting two babies within 6 months of one another and we can’t imagine purchasing everything brand new!

There are definitely some items that are not the best to buy used, so we’ll highlight which baby items are great even if they’re gently used!

Safe-to-buy Items


toys are good used baby items
source: www.aliexpress.com

Toys are a great baby item to acquire gently used, whether you buy it or acquire it from a fellow mom as a hand-me-down. Of course, check for choking hazards such as loose pieces and paint chips. Otherwise, gently used toys are a great way to save money. Most baby toys are extremely easy to clean and sanitize and many will look brand new. Find a local second-hand store for maternity and babies, purchase some toys, and save some money.

Baby Clothes, Coats, Hats

closet full of used baby items
source: www.aliexpress.com

Between the spit up and diaper blowouts, your baby is going to go through clothes like no one’s business! Some days you may find yourself going through 2 -3 outfits within 24 hours! Used baby clothes are a great way to save cash. It just makes sense. You will receive plenty of new clothing as gifts from friends and family, but when you’re spending your own money, used baby clothes, hats, and coats are a smart move. Your baby will grow out of them so fast they may only wear some sizes for 2-3 weeks.


used baby items, baby shoes
source: buzzfeed.com

Babies and infants grow so fast and, let’s be real–they don’t usually walk until they’re near 12 months. They don’t need shoes. Socks work just fine. But baby shoes are adorable and fun, so if you want to have some in your baby’s closet purchase them used. Baby feet don’t sweat like adult feet, and they’re not walking in them and wearing them down. You can find perfect, like-new shoes for extremely reasonable prices when buying used and they’ll still be adorable and fun.

Strollers and Joggers

baby stroller, used baby items
source: www.mommystroller.com

When you’re looking for strollers be sure to look for ones that were made after the year 2007 because “safety standards since then address stability, impact, and shoulder-strap safety.” (source) Strollers are sturdy and can be cleaned easily. Purchasing them new will empty your wallet of at least a couple hundred dollars! Instead, find a like-new, used stroller for a lot less.

Nursery Furniture

baby nursery, used baby items
source: projectnursery.com

Whether it’s your glider or rocking chair, the crib, the dresser, or shelving, there are countless pieces of nursery furniture you can purchase used. You can make a fun project out of it by painting it or you can be more selective and find it all relatively matching. Always check for recalls, paint chips, and loose pieces. As for the crib, really look into the newest standards and safety features. If buying a used crib feels a bit weird to you, buy a new crib mattress and still save hundreds. Buying used nursery furniture is one of the very best ways to save money.

Pack & Plays

pack and play, used baby items
source: Diapers.com

Pack and plays are one of the most expensive baby items to buy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding a used one to purchase. Be sure to check the date it is made; if it was made after the year 2000 it has the most recent safety features. Check the used pack and plays for tears bigger than 1/4 inch. You can also purchase a new mattress if you feel the need to, or simply wash the one it comes with.

Other equipment: bouncy seats, electric swings, high chairs, baby bathtubs, monitor, etc.

baby equipment, used baby items
source: www.hiltonheadislandbikes.com

Baby equipment can be found used, like-new, and easily sanitized. These hefty items can be used through five separate babies, so don’t be worried you’re getting something in terrible shape! More than likely it will last you through a couple of children…at least. Be sure you check the recalls and safety standards before purchasing and save tons of money on baby equipment.

New parents are often unsure whether or not it is okay to buy used baby items. We are here to tell you it is not only okay, but encouraged, and these are the very best items to look for used.

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